Photography FAQs
Why do I need a permit?
As a National Historic Landmark, and with active restoration and conservation efforts ongoing, Fair Lane is committed to preserving the gardens and grounds for our current and future visitors. Additionally, with active construction work on the historic Garage and Powerhouse, we want to ensure that our guests have an enjoyable and safe experience.
What does my permit provide?
Depending on the session length reserved, it includes the use of the gardens and grounds surrounding Fair Lane for photography and/or videography. Popular photo areas include the Port Cochere, Rose Garden, and the Music Room Terrace.
Is my session private?
Photography sessions are not private, as the gardens and grounds remain open to the public during all scheduled sessions. However, because we schedule only one photography session at a time, you will be the only group on the Estate at the approved time. Additionally, a member of our Guest Services team will accompany your group to assist with crowd control as well as help you locate the best areas for your photos.
Can I take photographs inside the house?
Unfortunately, no. Fair Lane is currently closed to the public for extensive restoration work.
Do I need to hire/bring my own photographer?
Yes, you do, as Fair Lane does not provide photographers.
How many people can attend?
To maintain the integrity of our historic grounds and retain access for other visitors, your group size may not exceed twenty-five (25) participants.
Where are the best photo spots?
Some of our guests’ favorite spots include the Port Cochere, the Rose Garden, and the Music Room Terrace. We also recommend checking out the Rock Garden and Trail Gardens off the Great Meadow.
What if the weather is bad? Can I reschedule?
If inclement weather prohibits your photography session, we will work with you to reschedule your session at no additional cost.
We will only be thirty minutes; can’t we just stay?
Unfortunately, no. We carefully schedule our sessions so that there is no overlap between sessions. We want our guests to capture all their desired photos and make sure we have scheduled proper staffing.
Are homecoming or prom photos allowed?
Currently, we do not permit homecoming or prom photography.
Why can’t I use specific props (candles, flower petals, etc.)?
Fair Lane is a historic landmark, so we ask that guests not use props that could potentially harm a building or the grounds. For example, candles are a fire hazard, and large props may damage the grounds. It is our job to ensure that Fair Lane is here for future generations, and we appreciate your assistance in its preservation.
Why can’t I host my wedding ceremony on the grounds? You used to host them.
Fair Lane is not equipped to host large outdoor gatherings.
Who can I contact with questions?
Please email photography@henryfordestate.org with any questions or call 313.668.3200.
How do I receive updates from the estate?
Sign up to receive our quarterly e-newsletter HERE.